Help Needed

11/27- It is with a heavy heart that we reach out to The 48hrs of Tristate Community tonight.  There has been a terrible tragedy that happened over the weekend to Ted who is our Charity Chairman and one of the pillars of the 48hrs Community.  While at home a fire broke out, Ted’s family made it out unharmed, but Ted unfortunately suffered severe burns and is currently at Mass General undergoing treatment for his injuries.  He likely will be there for 2-3 weeks with a long recovery after that.  It is especially tragic during the holidays and will be a huge burden on his family.  There has been a Go-Fund-Me page setup to help his family financially and we ask that if you could help out big or small it would be appreciated.  If there are any specific requests we will be sure to update our Facebook page as well as here.  

12/17- We spoke with Ted this evening via a conference call with the 48hrs of Tristate Team.  Ted’s spirit is high as usual and he is making progress recovering.  It will be a long road to recovery but one that Ted can accomplish due to his tremendous spirit and positivity.  Please continue to contribute to the Go-Fund-Me page as there will be ongoing expenses not covered by insurance.